Wild Wednesday – oops…


I had intended to do a Wordless Wednesday post but a) there were going to be words in it, although fewer than usual, and b) my broadband was running like a slug last night. So this is really an wild-instead-of-an-almost-wordless Thursday. Doesn’t have the same ring.

Though the spring meadow is going over now, there are many other areas where wild and semi-wild flowers flourish.

I have a lot of naturalised aquelegias, mostly on the edge of the meadow under the apple trees and around the bench. Amazingly, they hold their own against the bracken which constantly tries to spread into my garden from the really wildy bit next door. There are dry stone walls about 4-5 feet high between us, but that’s no obstacle to bracken.

I’m not sure if ‘wild and semi-wild’ really includes the Rosa rugosa hedges, but there are certainly plenty round here, and they are just coming into flower, like mine:

Most of the flowers are the standard crimson, but some are white and flushed with pink:

These are becoming increasingly common. I’d like to see more of them, as the crimson is so strident that it dominates everything else, especially the middle garden which has rose hedges on two sides. It could do with diluting.

Beneath the magnolia and the camellias in the bottom garden, the wild garlic is also beginning to flower.

The patch is spreading really well – it started as twelve bulbs which I introduced. But it does flourish around here quite naturally; the woodland edges and shaded road sides are covered in it. In fact, I could have just left it and perhaps it would have appeared anyway…

…rather like the Welsh poppies which spring up everywhere.

I do try and keep them under control as much as possible by removing the seed heads but it makes no difference. They’re in the hedges, the beds, by walls, in the greenhouse (!) and the only place they don’t appear is the meadow. Yes, they’re lovely – but there are limits. And the cold frame is a limit.

Just cleared mine out. Happiness, after all, is a well-stocked cold frame.

And, hooray, hooray, the first flowers are appearing on the broad beans. I can hardly wait – even though the beans are drinking a lot of water and acquiring lovely frilly edges.

It’s so dry – my water butts are almost empty – why haven’t the slugs given up? They like it damp, dammit, not sun-baked, but I’m developing visions of slugs enjoying the sunny holiday weather, lying on little slug deck-chairs, going for a nibble on my broad beans as a slug equivalent of popping off for an ice cream.

Hmm. Too much sun.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Harriet says:

    Your image of slugs on deckchairs made me smile, briefly, until I remembered the damage they are still doing in this warm, dry weather! We have to keep telling ourselves ‘they will stop, they will stop …’ Happy growing!

    1. kate says:

      Yes, why haven’t they all disappeared??? I’m trying to ‘disappear’ as many as possible by indulging in the sport of slug-hurling (get slug on trowel, fling slug as far as possible using trowel for propulsion). Only a matter of time before I hit a passing tourist.*

      *Like last year. Only it was a snail.

  2. Autumn Belle says:

    Wildflowers deserved to be appreciated. They are quite pretty. How nice if only slugs can be cooked and tastes as nice as escargots!

    1. kate says:

      Maybe we should experiment? I’m sure escargots would taste pretty vile without the garlic butter…

      No, perhaps not. Ergh.

  3. I think you must be right, the slugs are slapping on the suntan lotion and lolling about whilst occasionally leaning over to snack a little more on the green leafy bits we so thoughtfully grow for them. I went for a walk in our local woods to admire the bluebells the other day and came back with a small bag of wild garlic leaves for our lunch – delicious, we definitely want some in our next garden. I love Rosa rugosa – except when I need to prune it. There was lots of it where we lived on Anglesey, marking boundaries, and the wildlife loved it, but oh, those thorns…

    I have flowers on my broad beans too, can’t wait!

    Love your well-stocked cold frame. One of the best sights in the world for a gardener – until you start spotting the slug and snail damage…

    1. kate says:

      It rained late last afternoon and evening, so my slugs may have realised there are lots more tasty things about. Am dreading the walk of anticipation up to the cold frame, can’t bring myself to go up there yet. Went out when it stopped last night and trod on a couple – yuk – so that’s two down…

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